I'm planning to spend time on the afternoon (UK time) of Wednesday 2nd September answering questions here (though I may get to some sooner). Ask me anything!
A little about me:
- I work at the Future of Humanity Institute, where I run the Research Scholars Programme, which is a 2-year programme to give space for junior researchers (or possible researchers) to explore or get deep into something
- (Applications currently open! Last full day we're accepting them is 13th September)
- I've been thinking about EA/longtermist strategy for the better part of a decade
- A lot of my research has approached the question of how we can make good decisions under deep uncertainty; this ranges from the individual to the collective, and the theoretical to the pragmatic
- e.g. A bargaining-theoretic approach to moral uncertainty; Underprotection of unpredictable statistical lives compared to predictable ones; or Defence in depth against human extinction
- Recently I've been thinking around the themes of how we try to avoid catastrophic behaviour from humans (and how that might relate to efforts with AI); how informational updates propagate through systems; and the roles of things like 'aesthetics' and 'agency' in social systems
- I think my intellectual contributions have often involved clarifying or helping build more coherent versions of ideas/plans/questions
- I predict that I'll typically have more to say to relatively precise questions (where broad questions are more likely to get a view like "it depends")
Does FHI or the RSP have a relatively explicit, shared theory of change? Do different people have different theories of change, but these are still relatively explicit and communicated between people? Is it less explicit than that?
Whichever is the case, could you say a bit about why you think that's the case?
Yeah, on a reflection framing of "working on a paper" is not quite right. So let me be more specific,
- Prospecting for Gold's impact comes from promoting a certain established way of thinking [≈ econ 101 and ITN] within the EA community and, unclear, if intended or not, also providing local communities with an excellent discussion topic.
- The expected value of cost-effectiveness of research seems to be dominated by chances of stumbling on considerations for the EA researchers, GiveWell, 80K's career recommendations, etc.
- The impact of work on&nb
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