The two podcasts where I discuss FTX are now out:
The Sam Harris podcast is more aimed at a general audience; the Spencer Greenberg podcast is more aimed at people already familiar with EA. (I’ve also done another podcast with Chris Anderson from TED that will come out next month, but FTX is a fairly small part of that conversation.)
In this post, I’ll gather together some things I talk about across these podcasts — this includes updates and lessons, and responses to some questions that have been raised on the Forum recently. I’d recommend listening to the podcasts first, but these comments can be read on their own, too. I cover a variety of different topics, so I’ll cover each topic in separate comments underneath this post.
I broadly agree with the picture and it matches my perception.
That said, I'm also aware of specific people who held significant reservations about SBF and FTX throughout the end of 2021 (though perhaps not in 2022 anymore), based on information that was distinct from the 2018 disputes. This involved things like:
FTX investors and the Future Fund (though not customers)FTX investors, the Future Fund, and possibly customers losing all of their money,I think several people had pieces of the puzzle but failed to put them together or realize the significance of it all. E.g. I told a specific person about all of the above issues, but they didn't have a 'holy shit' reaction, and when I later checked with them they had forgotten most of the information I had shared with them.
I also tried to make several further conversations about these concerns happen, but it was pretty hard because many people were often busy and not interested, or worried about the significant risks from sharing sensitive information. Also, with the benefit of hindsight, I clearly didn't try hard enough.
I also think it was (and I think still is) pretty unclear what, if anything, should've been done at the time, so it's unclear how action-relevant any of this would've been.
It's possible that most of this didn't reach Will (perhaps partly because many, including myself, perceived him as more of an SBF supporter). I certainly don't think these worries were as widely disseminated as they should've been.