Forgive the clickbait title, but EA is as prone to clickbait as anywhere else.
It seemed at EAG that discussions focussed on two continuums:
Neartermist <---> Longtermist
Frugal spending <---> Ambitious spending
(The labels for the second one are debatable but I'm casually aiming for ones that won't offend either camp.)
Finding common ground on the first has been an ongoing project for years.
The second is much more recent, and it seems like more transparency could really help to bring people on opposite sides closer together.
Accordingly: could FTX and CEA please publish the Back Of The Envelope Calculations (BOTECs) behind their recent grants and community building spending?
(Or, if there is no BOTEC and it's more "this seems plausibly good and we have enough money to throw spaghetti at the wall", please say that clearly and publicly.)
This would help in several ways:
- for sceptics of some recent spending, it would illuminate the thinking behind it. It would also let the community kick the tires on the assumptions and see how plausible they are. This could change the minds of some sceptics; and potentially improve the BOTECs/thinking
- it should help combat misinformation. I heard several people misrepresent (in good faith) some grants, because there is not a clear public explanation of the grants' theory of change and expected value. A shared set of facts would be useful and improve debate
- it will set the stage for future evaluation of whether or not this thinking was accurate. Unless we make predictions about spending now, it'll be hard to see if we were well calibrated in our predictions later
Objection: this is time consuming, and this time is better spent making more grants/doing something else
Reply: possibly true, and maybe you could have a threshold below which you don't do this, but these things have a much higher than average chance of doing harm. Most mistaken grants will just fail. These grants carry reputational and epistemic risks to EA. The dominant theme of my discussions at EAG was some combination of anxiety and scorn about recent spending. If this is too time-consuming for the current FTX advisers, hire some staff (Open Phil has ~50 for a similar grant pot and believes it'll expand to ~100).
Objection: why drag CEA into this?
[EDIT: I missed an update on this last week and now the stakes seem much lower - but thanks to Jessica and Max for engaging with this productively anyway:]
Reply: anecdata, and I could be persuaded that this was a mistake. Several students, all of whom asked not be named because of the risk of repercussions, expressed something between anxiety and scorn about the money their own student groups had been sent. One said they told CEA they didn't need any money and were sent $5k anyway and told to spend it on dinners. (Someone from CEA please jump in if this is just false, or extremely unlikely, or similar - I do realise I'm publishing anonymous hearsay.) It'd be good to know how CEA is thinking about spending wisely as they are very rapidly increasing their spending on EA Groups (potentially to ~$50m/year).
Sidenote: I think we have massively taken Open Phil for granted, who are exceptionally transparent and thoughtful about their grant process. Well done them.
One generic back-of-the-envelope calculation from me:
Assume that when you try to do EA outreach, you get the following funnel:
~10% (90% CI[1] 3%-30%) of people you reach out to will be open to being influenced by EA
~10% (90% CI 5%-20%) of people who are reached and are open to being influenced by EA will actually take the action of learning more about EA
~20% (90% CI 5%-40%) of people who learn more about EA actually become EA in some meaningful way (e.g., take GWWC pledge or equivalent)
Thus we expect outreach to a particular person to produce ~0.002 EAs on average.
Now assume an EA has the same expected impact as a typical GWWC member, and assume a typical GWWC member donates ~$24K/yr for ~6 years, making the total value of an EA worth ~$126,000 in donations, discounting at 4%. I imagine the actual mean EA is likely more valuable than that given a long right tail of impact.
Note that these numbers are pretty much made up[2] and each number ought to be refined with further research - something I'm working on and others should too. Also keep in mind that obviously these numbers will vary a lot based on the specific type of outreach being considered and so should be modified for modeling the specific thing being done. But hopefully this is a useful example.
But basically from this you get it being worth ~$252 to market effective altruism to a particular person and break even. So if a dinner markets EA to ten people that otherwise would not have been marketed to, it will be worth ~$2500 to run just that one dinner. So spending $5000 to run a bunch of dinners can make sense.
Also note that of course EA marketing is not a single-touchpoint-and-then-done-forever system, so you will frequently be spending time/money on the same person multiple times. But this is hopefully made up for by the person becoming more likely to convert (both from self-selection and from the outreach).
Note: This is personal to just me, and does not reflect the views of Rethink Priorities or the Effective Altruism Infrastructure Fund or any other EA institution.
According to me, using my intuition forecaster powers ↩︎
Hopefully even though a lot of this is completely made up, it's useful as a scaffold/demonstration and eventually we can collect more data to try to refine these numbers. ↩︎
Peter was using a bar of "actually become EA in some meaningful way (e.g., take GWWC pledge or equivalent)". GWWC is 8k on its own, though there's probably been substantial attrition.
But yes, because we expect impact to be power-lawish if you order all plausible EAs by impact there will probably not be any especially compelling places to draw a line.