EA organizations frequently ask for people to run criticism by them ahead of time. I’ve been wary of the push for this norm. My big concerns were that orgs wouldn’t comment until a post was nearly done, and that it would take a lot of time. My recent post mentioned a lot of people and organizations, so it seemed like useful data.
I reached out to 12 email addresses, plus one person in FB DMs and one open call for information on a particular topic. This doesn’t quite match what you see in the post because some people/orgs were used more than once, and other mentions were cut. The post was in a fairly crude state when I sent it out.
Of those 14: 10 had replied by the start of next day. More than half of those replied within a few hours. I expect this was faster than usual because no one had more than a few paragraphs relevant to them or their org, but is still impressive.
It’s hard to say how sending an early draft changed things. One person got some extra anxiety because their paragraph was full of TODOs (because it was positive and I hadn’t worked as hard fleshing out the positive mentions ahead of time). I could maybe have saved myself one stressful interaction if I’d rea... (read more)
Most approaches to increasing agency and ambition focus on telling people to dream big and not be intimidated by large projects. I'm sure that works for some people, but it feels really flat for me, and I consider myself one of the lucky ones. The worst case scenario is big inspiring speeches get you really pumped up to Solve Big Problems but you lack the tools to meaningfully follow up.
Faced with big dreams but unclear ability to enact them, people have a few options.
The first three are all very costly, especially if you repeat the cycle a few times.
My preferred version is ambition snowball or "get ambitious slowly". Pick something b... (read more)
There's a thing in EA where encouraging someone to apply for a job or grant gets coded as "supportive", maybe even a very tiny gift. But that's only true when [chance of getting job/grant] x [value of job/grant over next best alternative] > [cost of applying].
One really clear case was when I was encouraged to apply for a grant my project wasn't a natural fit for, because "it's quick and there are few applicants". This seemed safe, since the deadline was in a few hours. But in those few hours the number of applications skyrocketed- I want to say 5x but my memory is shaky- presumably because I wasn't the only person the grantmaker encouraged. I ended up wasting several hours of my and co-founders time before dropping out, because the project really was not a good fit for the grant.
[if the grantmaker is reading this and recognizes themselves: I'm not mad at you personally].
I've been guilty of this too, defaulting to encouraging people to try for something without considering the costs of making the attempt, or the chance of success. It feels so much nicer than telling someone "yeah you're probably not good enough".
A lot of EA job postings encourage people t... (read more)
I think this falls into a broader class of behaviors I'd call aspirational inclusiveness.
I do think shifting the relative weight from welcoming to clear is good. But I'd frame it as a "yes and" kind of shift. The encouragement message should be followed up with a dose of hard numbers.
Something I've appreciated from a few applications is the hiring manager's initial guess for how the process will turn out. Something like "Stage 1 has X people and our very tentative guess is future stages will go like this".
Scenarios can also substitute in areas where numbers may be misleading or hard to obtain. I've gotten this from mentors before, like here's what could happen if your new job goes great. Here's what could happen if your new job goes badly. Here's the stuff you can control and here's the stuff you can't control.
Something I've tried to practice in my advice is giving some ballpark number and reference class. I tell someone they should consider skilling up in hard area or pursuing competitive field, then I tell them I expect success in <5% of people I give the advice to, and then say you may still want to do it because of certain reasons
Yes, it's all very noisy. But numbers seem far far better than expecting applicants to read between the lines on what a heartwarming message is supposed to mean, especially early-career folks who would understandably assign a high probability of success with it
Thanks for this post, as I've been trying to find a high-impact job that's a good personal fit for 9 months now. I have noticed that EA organizations use what appears to be a cookie-cutter recruitment process with remarkable similarities across organizations and cause areas. This process is also radically different from what non-EA nonprofit organizations use for recruitment. Presumably EA organizations adopted this process because there's evidence behind its effectiveness but I'd love to see what that evidence actually is. I suspect it privileges younger, (childless?) applicants with time to burn, but I don't have data to back up this suspicion other than viewing the staff pages of EA orgs.
Can you say more about cookie-cutter recruitment? I don't have a good sense of what you mean here.
I think solving this is tricky. I want hiring to be efficient, but most ways hiring orgs can get information take time, and that's always going to be easier for people with more free time. I think EA has an admirable norm of paying for trials and deserves a lot of credit for that.
EA hiring gets a lot of criticism. But I think there are aspects at which it does unusually well.
One thing I like is that hiring and holding jobs feels way more collaborative between boss and employee. I'm much more likely to feel like a hiring manager wants to give me honest information and make the best decision, whether or not that's with them.Relative to the rest of the world they're much less likely to take investigating other options personally.
Work trials and even trial tasks have a high time cost, and are disruptive to people with normal amounts of free time and work constraints (e.g. not having a boss who wants you to trial with other orgs because they personally care about you doing the best thing, whether or not it's with them). But trials are so much more informative than interviews, I can't imagine hiring for or accepting a long-term job without one.
Trials are most useful when you have the least information about someone, so I expect removing them to lead to more inner-ring dynamics and less hiring of unconnected people.
EA also has an admirable norm of paying for trials, which no one does for interviews.
A friend asked me which projects in EA I thought deserved more money, especially ones that seemed to be held back by insufficient charisma of the founders. After a few names he encouraged me to write it up. This list is very off the cuff and tentative: in most cases I have pretty minimal information on the project, and they’re projects I incidentally encountered on EAF. If you have additions I encourage you to comment with them.
The bar here is “the theory of change seems valuable, and worse projects are regularly funded”.
Faunalytics is a data analysis firm focused on metrics related to animal suffering. I searched high and low for health data on vegans that included ex-vegans, and they were the only place I found anything that had any information from ex-vegans. They shared their data freely and offered some help with formatting, although in the end it was too much work to do my own analysis.
I do think their description minimized the problems they found. But they shared enough information that I could figure that out rather than relying on their interpretation, and that’s good enough.
EA is trend-fol... (read more)
TL;DR: I think the main reason is the same reason we aren't donating to them: we think there are even more promising projects in terms of the effectiveness of a marginal $, and we are extremely funding constrained. I strongly agree with Elizabeth that all these projects (and many others) deserve more money.
Keeping in mind that I haven't researched any of the projects, and I'm definitely not an expert in grantmaking; I personally think that “the theory of change seems valuable, and worse projects are regularly funded” is not the right bar to estimate the relative value of a marginal dollar, as it doesn't take into account funding-gaps, costs, and actual results achieved.
As a data point on the perspective of a mostly uninformed effectiveness-oriented small donor, here's why I personally haven't donated to these projects in 2023, starting from the 2 you mention.
I'm not writing this because I think they are good reasons to fund other projects, but as a potentially interesting data-point in the psychology of an uninformed giver.
Their theory of change seems really cool, but research organizations seem very hard to evaluate as a non-expert. I think 3 things all need to ... (read more)
Two popular responses to FTX are "this is why we need to care more about honesty" and "this is why we need to not do weird/sketchy shit". I pretty strongly believe the former. I can see why people would believe the latter, but I worry that the value lost is too high.
But I think both side can agree that representing your weird/sketchy thing as mundane is highly risky. If you're going to disregard a bunch of the normal safeguards of operating in the world, you need to replace them with something, and most of those somethings are facilitated by honesty.
People talk about running critical posts by the criticized person or org ahead of time, and there are a lot of advantages to that. But the plans I've seen are all fairly one sided: all upside goes to the criticized, all the extra work goes to the critic.
What I'd like to see is some reciprocal obligation from recipients of criticism, especially formal organizations with many employees. Things like answering questions from potential critics very early in the process, with a certain level of speed and reliability. Right now it feels like orgs are very fast to respond to polished, public posts, but you can't count on them to even answer questions. They'll respond quickly to public criticism, and maybe even to polished posts sent to them before publication, but they are not fast or reliable at answering questions with implicit potential criticism behind them. Which is a pretty shitty deal for the critic, who I'm sure would love to find out their concern was unmerited before spending dozens of hours writing a polished post.
This might be unfair. I'm quite sure it used to be true, but a lot of the orgs have professionalized over the years. In which case I'd like to ask they make their commitments around this public and explicit, and share them in the same breath that they ask for heads up on criticism.
But the plans I've seen are all fairly one sided: all upside goes to the criticized, all the extra work goes to the critic.
I see a pretty important benefit to the critic, because you're ensuring that there isn't some obvious response to your criticisms that you are missing.
I once posted something that revised/criticized an Open Philanthropy model, without running it by anyone there, and it turned out that my conclusions were shifted dramatically by a coding error that was detected immediately in the comments.
That's a particularly dramatic example that I don't expect to generalize, but often if a criticism goes "X organization does something bad" the natural question is, why do they do that? Is there a reason that's obvious in hindsight that they've thought about a lot, but I haven't? Maybe there isn't, but I would want to run a criticism by them just to see if that's the case.
I don't think people are obligated to build in the feedback they get extensively if they don't think it's valid/their point still stands.
A few benefits I see to the critic even in the status quo:
The post generally ends up stronger, because it's more accurate. Even if you only got something minor wrong, readers will (reasonably!) assume that if you're not getting your details right then they should pay less attention to your post.
To the extent that the critic wants the public view to end up balanced and isn't just trying to damage the criticizee, having the org's response go live at the same time as the criticism helps.
If the critic does get some things wrong despite giving the criticizee the opportunity to review and bring up additional information, either because the criticizee didn't mention these issues or refused to engage, the community would generally see it as unacceptable for the crtiticizee to sue the critic for defamation. Whereas if a critic posts damaging false claims without that (and without a good reason for skipping review, like "they abused me and I can't sanely interact with them") then I think the law is still on the table.
A norm where orgs need to answer critical questions promptly seems good on it's face, but I'm less sure in practice. Many questions take far more effort to answer... (read more)
Complaints about lack of feedback for rejected grants are fairly frequent, but it seems relevant that I can't get feedback for my accepted grants or in-progress work. The most I have ever gotten was a 👍 react when I texted them "In response to my results I will be doing X instead of the original plan on the application". In fact I think I've gotten more feedback on rejections than acceptances (or in one case, I received feedback on an accepted grant, from a committee member who'd voted to reject). Sometimes they give me more money, so it's not that the work is so bad it's not worth commenting on. Admittedly my grants are quite small, but I'm not sure how much feedback medium or even large projects get.
Acceptance feedback should be almost strictly easier to give, and higher impact. You presumably already know positives about the grant, the impact of marginal improvements is higher in most cases, people rarely get mad about positive feedback, and even if you share negatives the impact is cushioned by the fact that you're still approving their application. So without saying where I think the line should be, I do think feedback for acceptances is higher priority than for rejections.
None of my principled arguments against "only care about big projects" have convinced anyone, but in practice Google reorganized around that exact policy ("don't start a project unless it could conceivably have 1b+ users, kill if it's ever not on track to reach that") and they haven't grown an interesting thing since.
My guess is the benefits of immediately aiming high are overwhelmed by the costs of less contact with reality.
As of October 2022, I don't think I could have known FTX was defrauding customers.
If I'd thought about it I could probably have figured out that FTX was at best a casino, and I should probably think seriously before taking their money or encouraging other people to do so. I think I failed in an important way here, but I also don't think my failure really hurt anyone, because I am such a small fish.
But I think in a better world I should have had the information that would lead me to conclude that Sam Bankman-Fried was an asshole who didn't keep his promises, and that this made it risky to make plans that depended on him keeping even explicit promises, much less vague implicit commitments. I have enough friends of friends that have spoken out since the implosion that I'm quite sure that in a more open, information-sharing environment I would have gotten that information. And if I'd gotten that information, I could have shared it with other small fish who were considering uprooting their lives based on implicit commitments from SBF. Instead, I participated in the irrational exuberance that probably made people take more risks on the margin, and left them more vulnerable to... (read more)
I think the encouragement I gave people represents a moral failure on my part. I should have realized I didn't have enough information to justify it, even if I never heard about specific bad behavior.
I don't know the specific circumstances of your or anyone else's encouragement, so I want to be careful not to opine on any specific circumstances. But as a general matter, I'd encourage self-compassion for "small fish" [1] about getting caught up in "irrational exuberance." Acting in the presence of suboptimal levels of information is unavoidable, and declining to act until things are clearer carries moral weight as well.
In retrospect, we know that the EA whispernet isn't that reliable, that prominence in EA shouldn't be seen as a strong indicator of reliability, that the media was asleep at the wheel, and that crypto investors exercise very minimial due dillgence. But I don't think we should expect "small fish" to have known those things in 2021 and 2022.
Hell even if SBF wasn't an unreliable asshole, Future Fund could have turned off the fire hose for lots of reasons. IIRC they weren't even planning on continuing the regrantor project.
As far as other pote... (read more)
Am I understanding right that the main win you see here would have been protecting people from risks they took on the basis that Sam was reasonably trustworthy?
I also feel pretty unsure but curious about whether a vibe of "don't trust Sam / don't trust the money coming through him" would have helped discover or prevent the fraud - if you have a story for how it could have happened (e.g. via as you say people feeling more empowered to say no to him - maybe it would have via been his staff making fewer crazy moves on his behalf / standing up to him more?), I'd be interested.
"protect people from dependencies on SBF" is the thing for which I see a clear causal chain and am confident in what could have fixed it.
I do have a more speculative hope that an environment where things like "this billionaire firehosing money is an unreliable asshole" are easy to say would have gotten better outcomes for the more serious issues, on the margin. Maybe the FTX fraud was overdetermined, even if it wasn't and I definitely don't have enough insight to be confident in picking a correction. But using an abstract version of this case as an example for how I think a more open environment could have led to better outcomes:
Good posts generate a lot of positive externalities, which means they're undersupplied, especially by people who are busy and don't get many direct rewards from posting. How do we fix that? What are rewards relevant authors would find meaningful?
Here are some possibilities off the top of my head, with some commentary. My likes are not universal and I hope the comments include people with different utility functions.
I definitely agree that funding is a significant factor for some institutional actors.
For example, RP's Surveys and Data Analysis team has a significant amount of research that we would like to publish if we had capacity / could afford to do so: our capacity is entirely bottlenecked on funding and as we are ~ entirely reliant on paid commissions (we don't receive any grants for general support) time spent publishing reports is basically just pro bono, adding to our funding deficit.
Example of this sort of unpublished research include:
I think we need to be a bit careful with this, as I saw many highly upvoted posts that in my opinion have been actively harmful. Some very clear examples:
In general, I think we should promote more posts like "Veg*ns should take B12 supplements, according to nearly-unanimous expert consensus" while not promoting posts like "Veg*nism entails health tradeoffs", when there is no scientific evidence of this and expert consensus of the contrary. (I understand that your intention was not to claim that a vegan diet was worse than an average non-vegan diet, but that's how most readers I've spoken to updated in response to your posts.)
I would be very excited about ... (read more)
LessWrong’s emoji palette is great
That palette is not just great in the abstract, it's great as a representation of LW. I did some very interesting anthropology with some non-rationalist friends explaining the meaning and significance of the weirder reacts.
A lot of what I explained was how specific reacts relate to one of the biggest pain points on LW (and EAF): shitty comments. The reacts are weirdly powerful, in part because it's not the comments' existence that’s so bad, it’s knowing that other people might read them and not understand they are shitty. I could explain why in a comment of my own, but that invites more shitty comments and draws attention to the original one. It’s only worth it if many people are seeing and believing the comment.
Emojis neatly resolve this. If several people mark a comment as soldier mindset, I feel off the hook for arguing with it. And if several people (especially people I respect) mark a comment as insightful or changing their mind, that suggests that at a minimum it’s worth the time to engage with the comment, and quite possibly I am in the wrong.
You might say I should develop a thicker skin so shitty comments bug me less, and t... (read more)
How common do you think "shitty comments" are? And how well/poorly do you think the existing karma system provides an observer with knowledge that the user base "understand[s] they are shitty"? (To be sure, it doesn't tell you if the voting users understand exactly why the comment is shitty.)
I'm not sure how many people would post attributed-to-them emojis if they weren't already anonymously downvoting a comment for being shitty. So if they aren't already getting significant downvotes, I don't know how many negative emojis they would get here.
I like the LW emoji palette, but it is too much. Reading forum posts and parsing through comments can be mentally taxing. I don't want to spend additional effort going through a list of forty-something emojis and buttons to react to something, especially comments. I am often pressed for time, so almost always I would avoid the LW emoji palette entirely. Maybe a few other important reactions can be added instead of all of them? Or maybe there could be a setting which allows people to choose if they want to see a "condensed" or "extended" emoji palette? Either way, just my two cents.
I agree EAF shouldn't have a LW-sized palette, much less LW's specific palette. I want EAF to have a palette that reflects its culture as well as LW's palette reflects its culture. And I think that's going to take more than 4 reacts (note that my original comment mortifyingly used a special palette made for a single post, the new version has the normal EAF reacts of helpful, insightful, changed my mind, and heart), but way less than is in the LW palette.
I do think part of LessWrong's culture is preferring to have too many options rather than making do with the wrong one. I know the team has worked really hard to keep reacts to a manageable level, while making most of them very precise, while covering a wide swath of how people want to react. I think they've done an admirable job (full disclosure: I'm technically on the mod team and give opinions in slack, but that's basically the limit of my power). This is something I really appreciate about LW, but I know shrinks its audience.
A repost from the discussion on NDAs and Wave (a software company). Wave was recently publicly revealed to have made severance dependent on non-disparagement agreements, cloaked by non-disclosure agreements. I had previously worked at Wave, but negotiated away the non-disclosure agreement (but not the non-disparagement agreement).
But my guess is that most of the people you sent to Wave were capable of understanding what they were signing and thinking through the implications of what they were agreeing to, even if they didn't actually have the conscientiousness / wisdom / quick-thinking to do so. (Except, apparently, Elizabeth. Bravo, @Elizabeth!)
I appreciate the kudos here, but feel like I should give more context.
I think some of what led to me to renegotiate was a stubborn streak and righteousness about truth. I mostly hear when those traits annoy people, so it’s really nice to have them recognized in a good light here. But that righteous streak was greatly enabled by the fact that my mom is a lawyer who modeled reading legal documents before signing (even when it's embarrassing your kids who just want to join their friends at the rockclimbing birthday party), and that I cou... (read more)
I sometimes argue against certain EA payment norms because they feel extractive, or cause recipients to incur untracked costs. E.g. "it's not fair to have a system that requires unpaid work, or going months between work in ways that can't be planned around and aren't paid for". This was the basis for some of what I said here. But I'm not sure this is always bad, or that the alternatives are better. Some considerations
I feel like a lot of castle discourse missed the point.
My guess is that lots of people entered EA with inaccurate expectations, and the volume at which this happens indicates a systemic problem, probably with recruiting. They felt ~promised that EA wasn't the kind of place where people bought fancy castles, or would at least publicly announce they'd... (read more)
I think the first point here -- that the buyers "don't need anyone's permission" to purchase a "castle" -- isn't contested here. Other than maybe the ConcernedEA crowd, is anyone claiming that they were somehow required to (e.g.) put this to a vote?
I think the "right to spend one's own money" in no way undermines other people's "right to speak one's own speech" by lambasting that expenditure. In the same way, my right to free speech doesn't prevent other people from criticizing me for it, or even deciding not to fund/hire me if I were to apply for funding or a job. There are circumstances in which we have -- or should have -- special norms against negative reactions by third parties; for instance, no one should be retailiated against for reporting fraud, waste, abuse, harassment, etc. But the default rule is that what the critics have said here is fair game.
A feeling of EA having breached a "~promise[]" isn't the only basis for standing here. Suppose a non-EA megadonor had given a $15MM presumably tax-deductible donation to a non-EA charity for buying a "castle." Certainly both EAs and non-EAs would have the right to criticize that decision, especially because the tax-favored... (read more)
I think you're slightly missing the point of the 'castle' critics here.
By default, OpenPhil/Dustin/Owen/EV don't need anyone's permission for how they spend their money. And it is their money, AFAICT open phil doesn't take small donations. I assume Dustin can advocate for himself here.
One might argue that the castle has such high negative externalities it can be criticized on that front. I haven't seen anything to convince me of that, but it's a possibility and "right to spend one's own money" doesn't override that.
Technically this is obviously true. And it was the main point behind one of the most popular responses to FTX and all the following drama. But I think that point and the post misses people's concerns completely and comes off as quite tone-deaf.
To pick an (absolutely contrived) example, let's say OpenPhil suddenly says it now believes that vegan diets are more moral and healthier than all other diets, and that B12 supplementation increases x-risk, and they're going to funnel billions of dollars into this venture to persuade people to go Vegan and to drone-strike any factories producing B12. You'd probably be shocked and think that this was a terrible decision and that it ... (read more)
2023: "We expect to find more outstanding giving opportunities than we can fully fund unless our community of supporters substantially increases its giving."
Giving Season 2022: "We've set a goal of raising $600 million in 2022, but our research team has identified $900 million in highly cost-effective funding gaps. That leaves $300 million in funding gaps unfilled."
July 2022: "we don’t expect to have enough funding to support all the cost-effective opportunities we find." Reports rolling over some money from 2021, but much less than originally believed.
Giving Season 2021: GiveWell expects to roll over $110MM, but also believes it will find very-high-impact opportunities for those funds in the next year or two.
Giving Season 2020: No suggestion that GW will run out of good opportunities -- "If other donors fully meet the highest-priority needs we see today before Open Philanthropy makes its January grants, we’ll ask Open Philanthropy to donate to priorities further down our list. It won’t give less funding overall—it’ll just fund the next-highest-priority needs."
Addendum: I just checked out Wytham's website, and discovered they list six staff. Even if those people aren't all full-time, several of them supervise teams of contractors. This greatly ups the amount of value the castle would need to provide to be worth the cost. AFAIK they're not overstaffed relative to other venues, but you need higher utilization to break even.
Additionally, the founder (Owen Cotton-Barrat) has stepped back for reasons that seem merited (history of sexual harassment), but a nice aspect of having someone important and busy in charge was that he had a lot less to lose if it was shut down. The castle seems more likely to be self-perpetuating when the decisions are made by people with fewer outside options.
I still view this as fundamentally open phil's problem to deal with, but it seemed good to give an update.
I feel similarly to Jason and JWS. I don't disagree with any of the literal statements you made but I think the frame is really off. Perhaps OP benefits from this frame, but I probably disagree with that too.
Another frame: OP has huge amounts of soft and hard power over the EA community. In some ways, it is the de facto head of the EA community. Is this justified? How effective is it? How do they react to requests for information about questionable grants that have predictably negative impacts on the wider EA community? What steps do they take to guard against motivated reasoning when doing things that look like stereotypical examples of motivated reasoning? There are many people who have a stake in these questions.
- Why can’t EAs set up a fee-paying society? People could pay annual membership fees and in exchange be part of a body that provided advice for donations, news about popular cause areas and the EA community, a forum, annual meetings, etc. Leadership positions could be decided by elections. I’m just spitballing here.
The math suggests that the meta would look much different in this world. CEA's proposed budget for 2024 is $31.4MM by itself, about half for events (mostly EAG), about a quarter for groups. There are of course other parts of the meta. There were 3567 respondents to the EA Survey 2022, which could be an overcount or undercount of the number of people who might join a fee-paying society. Only about 60% were full-time employed or self-employed; most of the remainder were students.
Maybe a leaner, more democratic meta would be a good thing -- I don't have a firm opinion on that.
I think an underappreciated part of castlegate is that it fairly easily puts people in an impossible bind.
EA is a complicated morass, but there are a few tenets that are prominent, especially early on. These may be further simplified, especially in people using EA as treatment for their scrupulosity issues. For most of this post I'm going to take that simplified point of view (I'll mark when we return to my own beliefs).
Two major, major tenets brought up very early in EA are:
The natural conclusion of which is that donating GiveWell or OpenPhil-certified causes is a safe and easy way to fulfill your moral duty.
If you're operating under those assumptions and OpenPhil funds something without making their reasoning legible, there are two possibilities:
Bot... (read more)
Salaries at direct work orgs are a frequent topic of discussion, but I’ve never seen those conversations make much progress. People tend to talk past each other- they’re reading words differently (“reasonable”), or have different implicit assumptions that change the interpretation. I think the questions below could resolve a lot of the confusion (although not all of it, and not the underlying question. Highlighting different assumptions doesn’t tell you who’s right, it just lets you focus discussions on the actual disagreements).
Here’s my guess for the important questions. Some of them are contingent- e.g. you might think new grad generalists and experienced domain experts should be paid very differently. Feel free to give as many sets of answers as you want, just be clear which answers lump together, so no one misreads your expert salary as if it was for interns.
Ambition snowballs/Get ambitious slowly works very well for me, but sonepeople seem to hate it. My first reaction is that these people need to learn to trust themselves more, but today I noticed a reason I might be unusually suited for this method.
two things that keep me from aiming at bigger goals are laziness and fear. Primarily fear of failure, but also of doing uncomfortable things. I can overcome this on the margin by pushing myself (or someone else pushing me), but that takes energy, and the amount of energy never goes down the whole time I'm working... (read more)
I'm pretty sure you can't have consequentialist arguments for deceptions of allies or self, because consequentialism relies on accurate data. If you've blinded yourself then you can have the best utility function in the world and it will do you no good because you're applying it to gibberish.
Thanks for this post, as I've been trying to find a high-impact job that's a good personal fit for 9 months now. I have noticed that EA organizations use what appears to be a cookie-cutter recruitment process with remarkable similarities across organizations and cause areas. This process is also radically different from what non-EA nonprofit organizations use for recruitment. Presumably EA organizations adopted this process because there's evidence behind its effectiveness but I'd love to see what that evidence actually is. I suspect it privileges younger, (childless?) applicants with time to burn, but I don't have data to back up this suspicion other than viewing the staff pages of EA orgs.