Hey everyone! I'm Ben, and I will be doing an AMA for Effective Giving Spotlight week. Some of my relevant background:
- In 2014 I cofounded a company for earning to give (EtG) reasons (largely inspired by 80k), which was later successfully acquired.
- Since late 2018 I have been doing direct work, currently as Interim Managing Director of CEA.
- (With a brief side project of founding a TikTok-related company which was similarly acquired, albeit for way less money.)
- I've had some other EtGish work experience (eight years as a software developer/middle manager, a couple months at Alameda Research) as well
- Additionally, I’ve talked to some people deciding between EtG and direct work because of my standing offer to talk to such folks, so I might have cached thoughts on some questions.
You might want to ask me about:
- Entrepreneurship
- Trade-offs between earning to give and “direct work”
- Cosmetics and skincare for those who (want to) look masculine
- TikTok
- Functional programming (particularly Haskell)
- Or one of my less useful projects
- Anything else (I might skip some questions)
I will plan to answer questions Thursday, November 9th. Post them as comments on this thread.
See also Jeff’s AMA, which is on a similar topic.
Have your thoughts on earning to give vs direct work changed (including the specific numbers) since the linked post from summer 2022?
I think I would value non-OP donations to a largely-OP-backed organization at 1-20% more than OP donations to them, roughly. Or heuristically: I think funding diversity is some icing on the cake if you are considering EtG, but the primary motivation I expect should be funding things which would otherwise not have been funded at all.