TL;DR: Let’s post comments celebrating cool things people have been working on (you can share your own projects!).
We often have high standards in effective altruism. This seems absolutely right: our work matters, so we must constantly strive to do better.
But we think that it's really important that the effective altruism community celebrate successes:
- If we focus too much on failures, we incentivize others/ourselves to minimize the risk of failure, and we will probably be too risk averse.
- We're humans: we're more motivated if we celebrate things that have gone well.
So here's a thread to share things that have gone well recently. We encourage you to:
- Share some cool things that you've done recently!
- Share cool things that other people have done recently!
- Upvote others' comments, and thank them for their work.
- Share any other gratitude you have (to others or the world).
There are many types of cool things: the estimated impact of your monthly donations, a piece you wrote that helped you to improve your understanding, a project that you completed at work, a paper published, or any small step towards improving the world. No step too small to share.
- If you like a post, tell the author!
- What are you grateful for?
- Risks of omission and Why we should err in both directions

Emily was great to work with to get it all done and out :)