Next week the Effective Altruism Forum is doing a Pledge Highlight week, and they asked if I could post an Ask Me Anything (AMA) about my experiences.
Most of the helpful background on me is in my post from last year, 10 years of Earning To Give. To highlight some potential prompts for questions:
- I work as a quantitative trader in London.
- I took the Giving What We Can pledge in 2013 upon leaving university, with a pledged percentage of 20%.
- My household has donated £1.5m over the last decade, or just under 50% of our household income.
- I've had a relatively high level of involvement in the EA community during much of that time period, though less in the past few years.
- My wife and I have 4 kids (14, 7, 3, 0).
I plan to answer questions on Tuesday 17th December, likely during the London afternoon.
I got very lucky that I was born in a city that is objectively one of the best places in the world to do what I do, so reasons to move location are limited.
More generally I don't feel like I'm doing anything particularly out of the ordinary here compared to a world where I am not donating; I like money, more of it is better than less of it, but there are sometimes costs to getting more money that outweigh the money. Though I would say that as you go up the earnings curve it gets easier and easier to mitigate the personal costs, e.g. by spending money to save time.
Perhaps the biggest risk is that if I set my marginal tax + donation rate too high I am insufficiently incentivised to earn more, to the detriment of both me and the world. Still working on that one.