A snap vote on features that people would like to see.
Upvote based on some sense of what the community should want, agreevote (the tick) to adjust for you personally.
There is a feature request thread, but I sense that old requests are getting lost. Hence, this.
Edit, I'm shifting my suggested voting rules. Agreevotes should now just be about the reasoning of the comment, as usual. They were basically entirely correlated. It was a trial and I was wrong.
Anyone can summarise: anyone can write a summary of anyone else's post, and the original author can choose whether to feature one of them at the top, visible by default.
The other summaries are accessible at the top of post but with a click required to view them. The summaries accumulate karma in usual way, low karma ones are hidden.
There's also some mechanism by which the author is prompted to write their own summary, either inline on the post or in a separate box, to compete with other people's summaries.
(Spitballing here, can easily imagine coming to think this is a pretty bad idea all things considered)