Leopold Aschenbrenner is starting a cross between a hedge fund and a think tank for AGI. I have read only the sections of Situational Awareness most relevant to this project, and I don't feel nearly like I understand all the implications, so I could end up being quite wrong. Indeed, I’ve already updated towards a better and more nuanced understanding of Aschenbrenner's points, in ways that have made me less concerned than I was to begin with. But I want to say publicly that the hedge fund idea makes me nervous.
Before I give my reasons, I want to say that it seems likely most of the relevant impact comes not from the hedge fund but from the influence the ideas from Situational Awareness have on policymakers and various governments, as well as the influence and power Aschenbrenner and any cohort he builds wield. This influence may come from this hedge fund or be entirely incidental to it. I mostly do not address this here, but it does make all of the below less important.
I also believe that some (though not all) of my concerns about the hedge fund are based on specific disagreements with Aschenbrenner’s views. I discuss some of those below, but a full rebuttal this is not (and many of the points of disagreement I don’t yet feel confident in my view on). There is still plenty to do to hash out the actual empirical questions at hand.
Why I am nervous
A hedge fund investing in AI related investments means Aschenbrenner and his investors will gain financially from more and accelerated AGI progress. This seems to me to be one of the most important dynamics (excluding the points about influence above). That creates an incentive to create more AGI progress, even at the cost of safety, which seems quite concerning. I will say that Leopold has a good track record here around turning down money in not signing an NDA at Open AI despite loss of equity.
Aschenbrenner expresses strong support for the liberal democratic world to maintain a lead on AI advancement, and ensure that China does not reach an AI-based decisive military advantage over the United States[1]. The hedge fund, then, presumably aims to both support the goal of maintaining an AI lead over China and profit off of it. In my current view, this approach increases race dynamics and increases the risks of the worst outcomes (though my view on this has softened somewhat since my first draft, for reasons similar to what Zvi clarifies here[2]).
I especially think that it risks unnecessary competition when cooperation - the best outcome - could still be possible. It seems notable, for example, that no Chinese version of the Situational Awareness piece has come to my attention; going first in such a game both ensures you are first and that the game is played at all.
It’s also important that the investors (e.g. Patrick Collison) appear to be more focused on economic and technological development, and less concerned about risks from AI. The incentives of this hedge fund are therefore likely to point towards progress and away from slowing down for safety reasons.
There are other potential lines of thought here I have not yet fleshed out including:
Ways that the hedge fund could in fact be a good idea:
EA and AI causes could really use funder diversification. If Aschenbrenner intends to use the money he makes to support these issues, that could be very valuable (though I’ve certainly become somewhat more concerned with moonshot “become a billionaire to save the world” plans than I used to be).
The hedge fund could position Aschenbrenner to have a deep understanding of and connections within the AI landscape, making the think tank outputs very good, and causing important future decisions to be made better.
Aschenbrenner of course could be right about the value of the US government’s involvement, maintaining a US lead, and the importance of avoiding Chinese military supremacy over the US. In that case, him achieving his goals would of course be good. Cruxes include the likelihood of international cooperation, the possibility of international bans, probability of catastrophic outcomes from AI and the likelihood of “muddling through” on alignment.
I’m interested in hearing takes, ways I could be wrong, fleshing out of my arguments, or any other thoughts people have relevant to this. Happy to have private chats in DMs to discuss as well.
To be clear, Aschenbrenner wants that lead to exist to avoid a tight race in which safety and caution are thrown to the winds. If we can achieve that lead primarily through infosecurity (something he emphasizes), then added risks are low; but I think the views expressed in Situational Awareness also imply the importance of staying technologically ahead of China as their AI research improves. This comes with precisely the risks of creating and accelerating a race of this nature.
Additionally, when I read his description of the importance of even a two month lead, it implied to me that if the longer, more comfortable lead is lost, there will be strong reasons for the US to advance quickly so as to avoid China reaching superintelligence and subsequent military dominance first (which doesn’t mean he thinks we should actually do this if the time came). This seems to fairly explicitly describe the tight race scenario. I don’t think Aschenbrenner believes this would be a good situation to be in, but nonetheless thinks that’s what the true picture is.
From Zvi’s post: “He confirms he very much is NOT saying this:
The race to ASI is all that matters.
The race is inevitable.
We might lose.
We have to win.
Trying to win won’t mean all of humanity loses.
Therefore, we should do everything in our power to win.
I strongly disagree with this first argument. But so does Leopold.
Instead, he is saying something more like this:
ASI, how it is built and what we do with it, will be all that matters.
ASI is inevitable.
A close race to ASI between nations or labs almost certainly ends badly.
Our rivals getting to ASI first would also be very bad.
Along the way we by default face proliferation and WMDs, potential descent into chaos.
The only way to avoid a race is (at least soft) nationalization of the ASI effort.
With proper USG-level cybersecurity we can then maintain our lead.
We can then use that lead to ensure a margin of safety during the super risky and scary transition to superintelligence, and to negotiate from a position of strength.”
Aschenbrenner and his investors will gain financially from more and accelerated AGI progress.
Not necessarily - they could just invest in publicly traded company where the counterfactual impact is not very large (even a large hedge fund buying some say Google stock wouldn't much move the market cap). They could also be shorting certain companies which might reduce economically inefficient overinvestment into AI, which might also have x-risk externalities. It would be different if he ran a VC fund and invested in getting the next, say, Anthropic off the ground. Especially if the profits are donated and used for mission hedging, this might be good.
The hedge fund could position Aschenbrenner to have a deep understanding of and connections within the AI landscape, making the think tank outputs very good, and causing important future decisions to be made better.
Yes, the outputs might be better as the incentives are aligned: the hedge fund / think tank has 'skin in the game' to get the correct answers on the future of AI progress (though maybe some big banks are also trying to move markets with their publications).
For your second point, you should skeptically expect their publishings/influence to be corrupted easily as the information they'd put out would be very connected to their investing alpha.
The corruption could take the form of omission of key details, under-hyping stuff in which they were unable to get exposure(/investment) and biases like that.
Thanks for writing this. I agree that this makes me nervous. Various thoughts:
I think I’ve slowly come to believe something like, ‘sufficiently smart people can convince themselves that arbitrary morally bad things are actually good’. See e.g., as the gymnastic meme, but also there’s something deeper of like ‘many of the evil people throughout history have believed that what they’re doing is good actually’. I think the response to this should be deep humility and moral risk aversion. Having a big brain argument that sounds good to you about why what you’re doing is good is actually extremely weak evidence about the goodness of the thing. I think it would probably be better if EAs took took this more seriously and didn’t do things like starting an AGI company or starting an AGI hedge fund. An AGI hedge fund seems even worse than Anthropic (where I think the argument for cutting edge research is medium brained and at least somewhat true empirically). The reasons Chana lists for why hedge fund could be a good idea all seem fairly weak — they would be stronger if Leopold was saying these were part of the plan.
The unilateralist nature and relationship to race dynamics also worries me. Maybe there would have been AGI hedge funds anyway, and maybe there would have been lengthy blog posts that tell the USG and China that they should be in a massive race on AI — but those things sure weren’t being done before Leopold did it.
I don’t think I have strong reasons to actively trust Leopold. I don’t know him and I think my baseline trust isn’t super high nowadays. By “trust” I mean some combination of being of good character, having correct judgment, and good epistemic practices to make up for poor judgment. Choosing to lose OpenAI equity is a positive sign, but I’m not sure how big. So this caches out in not making much of an update on the value of an AGI hedge fund — something that seems initially medium bad.
I think it’s sus to write up a blog post telling people AGI is coming soon while starting an investment firm that will benefit from people thinking AGI is coming soon. This is clearly a case of conflicting interests. It’s not necessarily a bad thing — there are good arguments around putting your money where your mouth is and taking actions based on big if true ideas, but it is a warning flag.
I could imagine a normal person reading Situational Awareness, including the part about Superalignment, and then hearing that the author is starting an AGI hedge fund, and their response being “WTF?! You believe all this about the intelligence explosion and how there are critical safety problems we’re not on track to solve, and you’re starting a hedge fund?” This response makes a lot of sense to me (and I do think I’ve heard it somewhere, though I’m not sure where). I think ‘starting an AGI hedge fund’ is really low on the list of things somebody who cares a lot about superintelligence safety should be doing. So either I’m misunderstanding something, or this is an update that Leopold isn’t as serious about ASI safety as I thought.
I have yet to see any replies from Leopold to people commentating or responding to Situational Awareness. This seems like bad form for truth seeking and getting buy-in from EAs, but it may be the norm for general intellectual content.
He seems to believe:
I also find this weird.
The traditional EA / AI funding strategy seems to be: "Take money from EAs only, and keep things on the low."
I assume we generally don't want to convince or actively many others to invest more in AI capabilities.
But Situational Awareness and the fund's openness to many investors seem very much not like that.
I'm really curious what Leopold's thinking on this is.
Effective giving quick take for giving season
This is quite half-baked because I think my social circle contains not very many E2G folks, but I have a feeling that when EA suddenly came into a lot more funding and the word on the street was that we were “talent constrained, not funding constrained”, some people earning to give ended up pretty jerked around, or at least feeling that way. They may have picked jobs and life plans based on the earn to give model, where it would be years before the plans came to fruition, and in the middle, they lost status and attention from their community. There might have been an additional dynamic where people who took the advice the most seriously ended up deeply embedded in other professional communities, so heard about the switch later or found it harder to reconnect with the community and the new priorities.
I really don’t have an overall view on how bad all of this was, or if anyone should have done anything differently, but I do have a sense that EA has a bit of a feature of jerking people around like this, where priorities and advice change faster than the advice can be fully acted on. The world and the right priorities really do change, though; I’m not sure what should be done except to be clearer about all this, but I suspect it’s hard to properly convey “this seems like the absolute best thing in the world to do, also next year my view could be that it’s basically useless” even if you use those exact words. And maybe people have done this, or maybe it’s worth trying harder. Another approach would be something like insurance.
A frame I’ve been more interested in lately (definitely not original to me) is that earning to give is a kind of resilience / robustness-add for EA, where more donors just means better ability to withstand crazy events, even if in most worlds the small donors aren’t adding much in the way of impact. Not clear that that nets out, but “good in case of tail risk” seems like an important aspect.
A more out-there idea, sort of cobbled together from a me-idea and Ben West-understanding is that, among the many thinking and working styles of EAs, one axis of difference might be “willing to pivot quickly, change their mind and their life plan intensely and often” vs “not as subject to changing EA winds” (not necessarily in tension, but illustrative). Staying with E2G over many years might be related to having being closer to the latter; this might be an under-rated virtue and worth leveraging.
I think another example of the jerking people around thing could be the vibes from summer 2021 to summer 2022 that if you weren't exceptionally technically competent and had the skills to work on object-level stuff, you should do full-time community building like helping run university EA groups. And then that idea lost steam this year.
Yeah I think EA just neglects the downside of career whiplash a bit. Another instance is how EA orgs sometimes offer internships where only a tiny fraction of interns will get a job, or hire and then quickly fire staff. In a more ideal world, EA orgs would value rejected & fired applicants much more highly than non-EA orgs, and so low-hit-rate internships, and rapid firing would be much less common in EA than outside.
It's an interesting point about the potential for jerking people around and alienating them from the movement and ideals. It could also (maybe) have something to do with having a lot of philosophers leading the movement too. It's easier to change from writing philosophically about short termism "doing good better" to long termism "what we owe the future", to writing essays about talent constraint over money constraint, but harder to psychologically and practically (although still very possible) switch from being a mid career global health worker or earning to giver to working on AI alignment.
This isn't a criticism, of course it makes sense for the philosophy driving the movement to develop, just highlighting the difference in "pivotability" between leaders and some practitioners and the obvious potential for "jerking people around" collateral as the philosophy evolves.
Also having lots of young people in the movement who haven't committed years of their life to things can make changing tacks more viable for many and seem more normal, while perhaps it is harder for those who have committed a few years to something. This "Willingness to pivot quickly, change their mind and their life plan intensely and often” could be as much about stage of career than it is personality.
Besides earning to give people being potentially "jerked around", there are some other categories with considering too.
Global health people as the relative importance within the movement seems to have slowly faded.
if (just possibilities) AI becomes far less neglected in general in the next 3 to 5 years, or it becomes apparent that policy work seems far more important/tractable than technical alignment, then a lot of people who have devoted their careers to these may be left out in the cold.
Just some very low confidence musings!
Makes sense that there would be some jerk-around in a movement that focuses a lot on prioritization and re-prioritization, with folks who are invested in finding the highest priority thing to do. Career capital takes time to build and can't be re-prioritized at the same speed. Hopefully as EA matures, there can be some recognition that diversification is also important, because our information and processes are imperfect, and so there should be a few viable strategies going at the same time about how to do the most good. This is like your tail-risk point. And some diversity in thought will benefit the whole movement, and thoughtful people pursuing those strategies with many years of experience will result in better thinking, mentorship, and advice to share.
I don't really see a world in which earning to give can't do a whole lot of good, even if it isn't the highest priority at the moment... unless perhaps the negative impacts of the high-earning career in question haven't been thought through or weighed highly enough.
Perhaps making a stronger effort to acknowledge and appreciate people who acted altruistically based on our guesses at the time, before explaining why our guesses are different now, would help? (And for this particular case, even apologizing to EtG people who may have felt scorned?)
I think there's a natural tendency to compete to be "fashion-forward", but that seems harmful for EA. Competing to be fashion-forward means targeting what others will approve of (or what others think others will approve of), as opposed to the object-level question of what actually works.
Maybe the sign of true altruism in an EA is willingness to argue for boring conventional wisdom, or willingness to defy a shift in conventional wisdom if you don't think the shift makes sense for your particular career situation. 😛 (In particular, we shouldn't discount switching costs and comparative advantage. I can make a radical change to the advice I give an aimless 20-year-old, while still believing that a mid-career professional should stay on their current path, e.g. due to hedging/diminishing marginal returns to the new hot thing.)
BTW this recent post made a point that seems important:
Burnout is extremely expensive, because it does not just cost time in and of itself but can move your entire future trajectory. If I were writing practical career tips for young EAs, my first headline would be "Whatever you do, don't burn out."
Plenty of people in the EA community have burned out. A small number of us talk about it. Most people, understandably, prefer to forget and move on. Beware this and other selection effects in (a) who is successful enough that you are listening to them in the first place and (b) what those people choose to talk about.
IMO, acknowledging and appreciating the effort people put in is the best way to prevent burnout. Implying that "your career path is boring now" is the opposite. Almost everyone in EA is making some level of sacrifice to do good for others; let's thank them for that!
Thank you, whoever's reading this!
I was thinking about to what extent NDAs (either non-disclosure or non-disparagement agreements) played a role in the 2018 blowup at Alameda Research (since if there were a lot, that could be a throughline between messiness at Alameda and messiness at Open AI recently).
Here's what I've collected from public records:
Overall this tells a story where NDAs weren't a big part of the Alameda story (since I think Ben West and nbouscal at least left during the 2018 blowup, but folks should correct me if I'm wrong). This is a bit interesting to me.
Interested in if others have different takeaways.
just saying what everyone knows out loud (copied over with some edits from a twitter thread)
Maybe it's worth just saying the thing people probably know but isn't always salient aloud, which is that orgs (and people) who describe themselves as "EA" vary a lot in effectiveness, competence, and values, and using the branding alone will probably lead you astray.
Especially for newer or less connected people, I think it's important to make salient that there are a lot of takes (pos and neg) on the quality of thought and output of different people and orgs, which from afar might blur into "they have the EA stamp of approval"
Probably a lot of thoughtful people think whatever seems shiny in a "everyone supports this" kind of way is bad in a bunch of ways (though possibly net good!), and that granularity is valuable.
I think feel very free to ask around to get these takes and see what you find - it's been a learning experience for me, for sure. Lots of this is "common knowledge" to people who spend a lot of their time around professional EAs and so it doesn't even occur to people to say + it's sensitive to talk about publicly. But I think "some smart people in EA think this is totally wrongheaded" is a good prior for basically anything going on in EA.
Maybe at some point we should move to more explicit and legible conversations about each others' strengths and weaknesses, but I haven't thought through all the costs there, and there are many. Curious for thoughts on whether this would be good! (e.g. Oli Habryka talking about people with integrity here)
I think the wiki entry is a pretty good place for this. It's "the canonical place" as it were. I would think it's important to do this rather fairly. I wouldn't want someone to edit a short CEA article with a "list of criticisms", that (believe you me) could go on for days. And then maybe, just because nobody has a personal motivation to, nobody ends up doing this for Giving What We Can. Or whatever. Seems like the whole thing could quickly prove to be a mess that I would personally judge to be not worth it (unsure). I'd rather see someone own editing a class of orgs and adding in substantial content, including a criticism section that seeks to focus on the highest impact concerns.
From my observations. I recognize many of these in myself. Definitely not a complete list, and possibly some of these things are not very relevant, please feel free to comment to add your own.
Interpersonal and Emotional
Low trust environment
Something to protect / Politics
Organizational politics
This is so perceptive, relevant and respectfully written, thank you.
people on "both sides" feel in the minority and fighting against a more powerful majority
I've noticed this too and I think another common dynamic is where "both sides" feel like the other side obviously "started it" and so feel justified in responding in kind.
I've also noticed in myself recently this additional layer of upset that sounds something like, "We're supposed to be allies!" I think I need to keep reminding myself that this is just what people do, namely fight with people very much like them but a little bit different*. I think EA's been remarkably good at avoiding much of this over the years and obviously I wish we weren't falling prey to it quite so much right now, but I don't think it's a reason to feel extra upset.
*Here's my favourite dramatisation of this phenomenon.
A dynamic I keep seeing is that it feels hard to whistleblow or report concerns or make a bid for more EA attention on things that "everyone knows", because it feels like there's no one to tell who doesn't already know. It’s easy to think that surely this is priced in to everyone's decision making. Some reasons to do it anyway:
In short, if you're acting based on the belief that there’s a thing “everyone knows”, check that that’s true.
Relatedly: Everybody Knows, by Zvi Mowshowitz
[Caveat: There's an important balance to strike here between the value of public conversation about concerns and the energy that gets put into those public community conversations. There are reasons to take action on the above non-publicly, and not every concern will make it above people’s bar for spending the time and effort to get more engagement with it. Just wanted to point to some lenses that might get missed.]
About going to a hub
A response to: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/M5GoKkWtBKEGMCFHn/what-s-the-theory-of-change-of-come-to-the-bay-over-the
For people who consider taking or end up taking this advice, some things I'd say if we were having a 1:1 coffee about it:
We all want (I claim) EA to be a high trust, truth-seeking, impact-oriented professional community and social space. Help it be those things. Blurt truth (but be mostly nice), have integrity, try to avoid status and social games, make shit happen.
Post: OAI NDA drama, do we know that Anthropic does not do similar things? I heard something that reassured me but I no longer know what it was. Interested in what people have heard or know (feel free to DM me) or general takes on the sitaution.
Good info there re current employees!
I want to draw attention to the distinction between current and former employees, since OpenAI was deploying their leverage on ex-staff and keeping that quiet amidst current staff. And what confirmation we have is about current Anthropic staff, haven't heard from ex-staff yet.
Really intrigued by this model of thinking from Predictable Updating about AI Risk.
Now, you could argue that either your expectations about this volatility should be compatible with the basic Bayesianism above (such that, e.g., if you think it reasonably like that you’ll have lots of >50% days in future, you should be pretty wary of saying 1% now), or you’re probably messing up. And maybe so. But I wonder about alternative models, too. For example, Katja Grace suggested to me a model where you’re only able to hold some subset of the evidence in your mind at once, to produce your number-noise, and different considerations are salient at different times. And if we use this model, I wonder if how we think about volatility should change.
I'm sure this must have been said before, but I couldn't find it on the forum, LW or google
I'd like to talk more about trusting X in domain Y or on Z metric rather than trusting them in general. People/orgs/etc have strengths and weaknesses, virtues and vices, and I think this granularity is more precise and is a helpful reminder to avoid the halo and horn effects, and calibrates us better on trust.
A commonly used model in the trust literature (Mayer et al., 1995) is that trustworthiness can be broken down into three factors: ability, benevolence, and integrity.
RE: domain specific, the paper incorporates this under 'ability':
The domain of the ability is specific because the trustee may be highly competent in some technical area, affording that person trust on tasks related to that area. However, the trustee may have little aptitude, training, or experience in another area, for instance, in interpersonal communication. Although such an individual may be trusted to do analytic tasks related to his or her technical area, the individual may not be trusted to initiate contact with an important customer. Thus, trust is domain specific.
There are other conceptions but many of them describe something closer to trust that is domain specific rather than generalised.
...All of these are similar to ability in the current conceptualization. Whereas such terms as expertise and competence connote a set of skills applicable to a single, fixed domain (e.g., Gabarro's interpersonal competence), ability highlights the task- and situation-specific nature of the construct in the current model.
Thanks for this! Very interesting.
I do want to say something stronger here, where "competence" sounds like technical ability or something, but I also mean a broader conception of competence that includes "is especially clear thinking here / has fewer biases here / etc"
I hope to flesh this out at some point, but I just want to put somewhere that by default (from personal experience and experience as an instructor and teacher) I think sleepaway experiences (retreats, workshops, camps) are potentially emotionally intense for at least 20% of participants, even entirely setting aside content (CFAR has noted this as well): away from normal environment, new social scene with all kinds of status-stuff to figure out, less sleep, lots of late night conversations that can be very powerful, romantic / sexual stuff in a charged environment, a lot of closeness happening very quickly because of being around each other 24/7, anything going on from outside the environment that's stressful you have less time and space to deal with. This can be valuable in the sense of giving people a chance to fully immerse themselves, but it's a lot, especially for younger people and it is worth organizers explicitly noting this in organizing, talking about it to participants, providing time for chillness / regrounding and being off the clock, and having people around who it's easy to talk to if you're going through a hard time.
For collecting thoughts on the concept of "epistemic hazards" - contexts in which you should expect your epistemics to be worse. not fleshed out yet. Interested in if this has already been written about, I assume so, maybe in a different framing.
From Habryka: "Confidentiality and obscurity feel like they worsen the relevant dynamics a lot, since they prevent other people from sanity-checking your takes (though this is also much more broadly applicable). For example, being involved in crimes makes it much harder to get outside feedback on your decisions, since telling people what decisions you are facing now exposes you to the risk of them outing you. Or working on dangerous technologies that you can't tell anyone about makes it harder to get feedback on whether you are making the right tradeoffs (since doing so would usually involve leaking some of the details behind the dangerous technology). "
Ambitious Altruism
When I was doing a bunch of explaining of EA and my potential jobs during my most recent job search to friends, family and anyone else, one framing I landed on I found helpful was "ambitious altruism." It let me explain why just helping one person didn't feel like enough without coming off as a jerk (i.e. "I want to be more ambitious than that" rather than "that's not effective").
It doesn't have the maximizing quality, but it doesn't not have it either, since if there's something more you can do with the same resources, there's room to be more ambitious.
Poke holes in my systematizing outreach apologism
Re: Ick at systematizing outreach and human interactions
There's a paradox I'm confused about, where if someone from a group I'm not in - let's say Christians, came to me on a college campus and smiled at me and asked about my interests and connected all of them to Jesus and then I found out I'd been logged in a spreadsheet as "potential convert" or something and then found the questions they'd asked me in a blog post or "Christian evangelist top questions" I might very well feel extremely weird about that (though I think less than others, I kind of respect the hustle).
BUT, when I think about how one gets there, I think, ok:
This is probably too charitable, there is definitely a thing where you actively want to persuade people because you think your thing is important, and you might lose interest in people who aren't excited about what you're excited about, but those things also seem reasonable to me.
A process that seems bad:
3-5 seem like the worst parts here. 1 seems like a reasonable implication of their beliefs, though I do think we all have to cooperate to not destroy the commons.
2 is complicated - when people have different cruxes than you is it dishonest to talk about what should convince them based on their cruxes?
3 and 4 are bad, also hard to avoid.
5 seems really bad, and something I'd like to strongly avoid via things like transparency and some other percolating advice I might end up endorsing for people new to EA, like not letting your feet go faster than your brain, figuring out how much deference you endorse, seeing avoiding resentment as a crucial consideration in your life choices, staying grounded, etc.
I also think the processes can feel pretty similar from the inside (therefore danger alert!) but also look similar from the outside when they aren't. I certainly have systematically underestimated the moral seriousness and earnestness of many an EA.
What's the difference?
I think people are going to want to say something like "treating people as ends" but I don't know where that obligation stops. I think I want to say something like "are you acting in the interests of the people you're talking to", but that doesn't work either - I'm not! being an EA has a decent chance of being less pleasant than the other thing they were doing, and either way it's not a crux. Ex: I endorse protecting the time and energy of other people by not telling everyone who I would talk to if I had a certain question or needed help in a certain way.
I do think it's more about whether you're doing things in such a way that if they knew why you were doing them, they'd mostly not be bothered (ie passing the red face test). But that doesn't really solve the problem that digital sentience is a weird reason to do a lot of things, and there are lots of things I endorse it being inappropriate to be too explicit about.
[This is separate from the instrumental reasons to act differently because it weirds people out etc.]
Later musings:
Presumably the strongest argument is that these feelings are tracking a bunch of the bad stuff that's hard to point at:
I do think it's more about whether you're doing things in such a way that if they knew why you were doing them, they'd mostly not be bothered (ie passing the red face test). But that doesn't really solve the problem that digital sentience is a weird reason to do a lot of things, and there are lots of things I endorse it being inappropriate to be too explicit about.
Of course this is a spectrum, and we shouldn't put up a public website listing all our beliefs including the most controversial ones or something like that (no one in EA is very close to this extreme). But the implicit jump from "some things shouldn't be explicit" to "digital sentience might weird some people out so there's a decent chance we shouldn't be that explicit about it" seems very non-obvious to me, given how central it is to a lot of longtermist's worldviews and honestly I think it wouldn't turn off many of the most promising people (in the long run; in the short run, it might get an initial "huh??" reaction).
Oh, sorry, those were two different thoughts. "digital sentience is a weird reason to do a lot of things" is one thing, where it's not most people's crux and so maybe not the first thing you say, but agree, should definitely come up, and separately, "there are lots of things I endorse it being inappropriate to be too explicit about", like the granularity of assessment you might be making of a person at any given time (though possibly more transparency about the fact that you're being assessed in a bunch of contexts would be very good!)
I think steps 1 and 2 in your chain are also questionable, not just 3-5.
- Want to maximize number of EAs
Why do we want to maximize number of EAs, this seems very non-obvious to me? Some people would add much more to the community than others via epistemics, culture, direct talent, etc. If we added enough of certain types of people to the community, especially too quickly, it could easily be net negative.
2. Use framings, arguments and examples that you don't think hold water but work at getting people to join your group [I don't think EAs do this, I'm gesturing at the extreme other end]
2 is complicated - when people have different cruxes than you is it dishonest to talk about what should convince them based on their cruxes?
I think sometimes/often talking about people's cruxes rather than your own is good and fine. The issue is Goodharting via an optimal message to convert as many people to EA as quickly as possible, rather than messages that will lead to a healthy community over the long run.
I think there are two separate processes going on when you think about systematizing and outreach and one of them is acceptable to systematize and the other is not.
The first process is deciding where to put your energy. This could be deciding whether to set up a booth at a college's involvement fair, buying ads, door-to-door canvassing, etc. It could also be deciding who to follow up with after these interactions, from the email list collected, to who's door to go to a second time, to which places to spend money on in your second round of ad buys. These things all lend themselves to systematization. They can be data driven and you can make forecasts on how likely each person was to respond positively and join an event, revisit those forecasts and update them over time.
The second process is the actual interaction/conversation with people. I think this should not be systematized and should be as authentic as possible. Some of this is a focus on treating people as individuals. Even if there are certain techniques/arguments/framings that you find work better than others, I'd expect there to be significant variation among people where some work better than others. A skilled recruiter would be able to figure out what the person they are talking to cares about and focus on that more, but I think this is just good social skills. They shouldn't be focusing on optimizing for recruitment. They should try to be a likeable person that others will want to be around and that goes a long way to recruitment in and of itself.
I see what you're pointing at, I think, but I don't know that this resolves all my edge cases. For instance, where does "I know this person is especially interested in animal welfare, so talk about that" fall?
I separately don't want to optimize for recruitment in the metric of number of people because of my model of what good additions to the community looks like (e.g. I want especially thoughtful people who have a good sense of the relevant ideas and arguments and what they buy and what their uncertainties are") - maybe your approach comes from that? Or are you saying even if one were trying to maximize numbers, they shouldn't systematize?
Thanks so much for writing this! I think it could be a top-level post, I'm sure many others would find it very helpful.
My 2 cents:
2 is complicated - when people have different cruxes than you is it dishonest to talk about what should convince them based on their cruxes?
I think it's definitely bad to "Use framings, arguments and examples that you don't think hold water but work at getting people to join your group". If I understand correctly it can cause point 5. Also "getting people to join your group" is rarely an instrumental goal, and "getting people to join your group for the wrong reasons" is probably not that useful in the long term.
Something that I think is very important that seems missing from this is that there's a significant probability that we're wrong about important things (i.e. EA as a question).
We could be wrong about the impact of bednets, wrong about AI being the most important thing, wrong about population ethics, etc. I think it's a huge difference from the "cult" mindset.
I think I want to say something like "are you acting in the interests of the people you're talking to", but that doesn't work either - I'm not! being an EA has a decent chance of being less pleasant than the other thing they were doing, and either way it's not a crux.
The way I think about this, on first approximation, is that I want people to work on maximising their values (and not their wellbeing). If they think altruism is not important and are solipsistic egoists and only value their own wellbeing, I don't think EA can help them. If they value the wellbeing of others then EA can help them achieve their values better.
From my personal perspective this is strongly related to the point on uncertainty: I don't want to push other people to work on my values because from an outside view I don't think my values are more important than their values, or more likely to be "correct".
I don't know if it makes any sense, really curious to hear your thoughts, you have certainly thought about this more than I.
Thanks, Lorenzo!
I think it's definitely bad to "Use framings, arguments and examples that you don't think hold water but work at getting people to join your group". If I understand correctly it can cause point 5. Also "getting people to join your group" is rarely an instrumental goal, and "getting people to join your group for the wrong reasons" is probably not that useful in the long term.
Agree about the "not holding water", I was trying to say that "addresses cruxes you don't have" might look similar to this bad thing, but I'm not totally sure that's true.
I disagree about getting people to join your group - that definitely seems like an instrumental goal, though definitely "get the relevant people to join your group" is more the thing - but different people might have different views on how relevant they need to be, or what their goal with the group is.
Something that I think is very important that seems missing from this is that there's a significant probability that we're wrong about important things (i.e. EA as a question).
I kind of agree here; I think there are things in EA I'm not particularly uncertain of, and while I'm open to being shown I'm wrong, I don't want to pretend more uncertainty than I have.
The way I think about this, on first approximation, is that I want people to work on maximising their values (and not their wellbeing). If they think altruism is not important and are solipsistic egoists and only value their own wellbeing, I don't think EA can help them. If value the wellbeing of others then EA can help them achieve their values better.
I've definitely heard that frame, but it honestly doesn't resonate for me. I think some people are wrong about what values are right and arguing with me sometimes convinces them of that. I've definitely had my values changed by argumentation! Or at least values on some level of abstraction - not on the level of solipsism vs altruism, but there are many layers between that and "just an empirical question".
I don't want to push other people to work on my values because from an outside view I don't think my values are more important than their values, or more likely to be "correct"
I incorporate an inside view on my values - if I didn't think they were right, I'd do something else with my time!
Transparency for undermining the weird feelings around systematizing community building
There's a lot of potential ick as things in EA formalize and professionalize, especially in community building. People might reasonably feel uncomfortable realizing that the intro talk they heard is entirely scripted, or that interactions with them have been logged in a spreadsheet or that the events they've been to are taking them through the ideas on a path from least to most weird (all things I've heard of happening, with a range of how confident I am in them actually happening as described here). I think there's a lot to say here about how to productively engage with this feeling (and things community builders should do to mitigate it), but I also think there's a quick trick that will markedly improve things (though do not fix all problems): transparency.
(This is an outside take from someone who doesn't do community building on college campuses or elsewhere, I think that work is hard and filled with paradoxes, and it's also possible that this is already done by default, but in the spirit of stating the obvious)
I've been updating over and over again over the last few years that earnestness is just very powerful, and I think there are ways (though maybe they require some social / communication skills that aren't universal) to say things like (conditional on them being true):
NB: I don't think these are the best versions of these scripts, this was a first pass to point at the thing I mean
Not everything needs to be explicit, but this at least tracks whether you're passing the red face test.
I think that being transparent in this way requires:
Some experimental thoughts on how to moderate / facilitate sensitive conversations
Drawn from talking to a few people who I think do this well. Written in a personal capacity.
In my experience, the most important parts of a sensitive discussion is to display kindness, empathy, and common ground.
It's disheartening to write something on a sensitive topic based on upsetting personal experiences, only to be met with seemingly stonehearted critique or dismissal. Small displays of empathy and gratitude can go a long way towards this, to make people feel like their honesty and vulnerability has been rewarded rather than punished.
I think your points are good, but if deployed wrongly could make things worse. For example, if a non-rationalist friend of yours tells you about their experiences with harassment, immediately jumping into a bayesian analysis of the situation is ill-advised and may lose you a friend.
(Written in a personal capacity) Yeah, agree, and your comment made me realize that some of these are actually my experimental thoughts on something like "facilitating / moderating" sensitive conversations. I don't know if what you're pointing at is common knowledge, but I'd hope it is, and in my head it's firmly in "nonexperimental", standard and important wisdom (as contained, I believe, in some other written advice on this for EA group leaders and others who might be in this position).
From my perspective, a hard thing is how much work is done by tone and presence - I know people who can do the "talk about a bayesian analysis of harassment" with non-rationalists with sensitivity, warmth, care, and people who do "displaying kindness, empathy and common ground" in a way that leaves people more tense than before. But that doesn't mean the latter isn't generally better advice, I think it probably is for most people - and I hope it's in people's standard toolkits.
Things I'd like to try more to make conversations better
Been flagging more often lately that decision-relevant conversations work poorly if only A is sayable (including "yes we should have this meeting") and not-A isn't.
At the same time I've been noticing the skill of saying not-A with grace and consideration, breezily and not with "I know this is going to be unpopular, but..." energy and it's an extremely useful skill.
Template for EA Calls
Over the last six months, I've been having more and more calls with people interested in EA and EA careers. Sometimes I'm one of their first calls because they know me from social things, and sometimes I'm an introduction someone else (eg at 80k) has made. I've often found that an hour, my standard length for a call, feels very short. Sometimes I just chat, sometimes I try to have more of a plan. Of course a lot depends on context, but I'm interested in having a bit of a template so that I can be maximally helpful to them in limited time (I can't be a career coach for everyone I'm introduced to) and with the specifics that I can give (not trying to replicate / replace eg 80k advising).
Posting so that people can give advice / help me with it and/or use it if it seems helpful.
It's possible I should ask more about the cause areas they care about - that feels like it's such a big conversation that it doesn't fit in an hour, but maybe it's really crucial. Don't know! Still figuring it out.
Engaging seriously with the (nontechnical arguments) for AI Risk: One person's core recommended reading list
(I saw this list in a private message from a more well-read EA than me and wanted to write it up, it's not my list since I haven't read most of these, but I thought it was better to have it be public than not):
If still unconvinced, might recommend (as examples of arguments most uncorrelated with the above)
For going deeper:
Might as well put a list of skilling up possibilities (probably this has been done before)
Correct me if there are mistakes here
Seems like there's room in the ecosystem for a weekly update on AI that does a lot of contextualization / here's where we are on ongoing benchmarks. I'm familiar with:
I'm interested in something that says "we're moving faster / less fast than we thought we would 6 months ago" or "this event is surprising because" and kind of gives a "you are here" pointer on the map. This Planned Obsolescence post called "Language models surprised us" I think is the closest I've seen.
Seems hard, also maybe not worth it enough to do, also maybe it's happening and I'm not familiar with it, would love to hear, but it's what I'd personally find most useful and I suspect I'm not alone.
I think I agree, but also want to flag this list in case you (or others) haven't seen it: List of AI safety newsletters and other resources
Wout Schellart, Jose Hernandez-Orallo, and Lexin Zhou have started an AI evaluation digest, which includes relevant benchmark papers etc. It's pretty brief, but they're looking for more contributers, so if you want to join in and help make it more comprehensive/contextualised, you should reach out!
Less directly relevant, but Harry Law also has a new newsletter in the Jack Clark style, but more focused on governance/history/lessons for AI:
Scattered Takes and Unsolicited Advice (new ones added to the top)
Habits of thought I'm working on
Habits of thought I might work on someday
More I like: https://twitter.com/ChanaMessinger/status/1287737689849176065
Conversational moves in EA / Rationality that I like for epistemics
Everyone who works with young people should have two pieces of paper in their pockets:
In one: "they look up to you and remember things you say years later"
In the other: "have you ever tried to convince a teenager of anything?"
Take out as needed.
Reference: https://www.gesher-jds.org/2016/04/15/a-coat-with-two-pockets/
A point I haven't seen is that the "Different Worlds" hypothesis implies that if you consistently have an experience, especially interpersonally, you should on the margin expect it to happen more often relative to what conventional wisdom says.
Example: If your reports or partners consistently get angry when you do X, then decent chance that even if that isn't all that common, you're inadvertently selecting for people for whom it is, so don't update as far down on the likelihood of it happening again as you otherwise might
I've been thinking about and promulgating EA as nerdsniping (https://chanamessinger.com/blog/ea-as-nerdsniping) as a good intro to bring in curious people interested intellectually in the questions who can come up with their own ideas, often in contrast to EA as an amazing moral approach, but EAG x Oxford pushed me to update towards the fact that EA / rationality give seeking people a worldview that makes a lot of sense and is more consistent and honest than many others they encounter is a huge part of the appeal, which is both good to know from an outreach perspective and has implications about how much people might get really into EA / rationality if they're looking for that in particular, which might point to being wary if you don't want to be in some sense "too convincing".
My Recommended Reading About Epistemics
For content, but also the vibe it immerses me in I think makes me better
About going to a hub to do networking:
A response to: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/M5GoKkWtBKEGMCFHn/what-s-the-theory-of-change-of-come-to-the-bay-over-the
I think there's a lot of truth to the points made in this post.
I also think it's worth flagging that several of them: networking with a certain subset of EAs, asking for 1:1 meetings with them, being in certain office spaces - are at least somewhat zero sum, such that the more people take this advice, the less available these things will actually be to each person, and possibly on net if it starts to overwhelm. (I can also imagine increasingly unhealthy or competitive dynamics forming, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen!)
Second flag is that I don't know how many people reading this can expect to have an experience similar to yours. They may, but they may not end up being connected in all the same ways, and I want people to go knowing that they take that as a risk and to decide whether it's worth it for them.
On the other side, people taking this advice can do a lot of great networking and creating a common culture of ambition and taking ideas seriously with each other, without the same set of expectations around what connections they'll end up making.
Third flag is I have an un-fleshed out worry that this advice funges against doing things outside Berkeley/SF that are more valuable career capital in the future for ever doing EA things outside of EA or bringing valuable skills and knowledge to EA (like, will we wish in 5 years that EAs had more outside professional experience to bring domain knowledge and legitimacy to EA projects rather than a resume full of EA things?). This concern will need to be fleshed out empirically and will vary a lot in applicability by person.
(I work on CEA's community health team but am not making this post on behalf of that team)
Perhaps making a stronger effort to acknowledge and appreciate people who acted altruistically based on our guesses at the time, before explaining why our guesses are different now, would help? (And for this particular case, even apologizing to EtG people who may have felt scorned?)
I think there's a natural tendency to compete to be "fashion-forward", but that seems harmful for EA. Competing to be fashion-forward means targeting what others will approve of (or what others think others will approve of), as opposed to the object-level question of what actually works.
Maybe the sign of true altruism in an EA is willingness to argue for boring conventional wisdom, or willingness to defy a shift in conventional wisdom if you don't think the shift makes sense for your particular career situation. 😛 (In particular, we shouldn't discount switching costs and comparative advantage. I can make a radical change to the advice I give an aimless 20-year-old, while still believing that a mid-career professional should stay on their current path, e.g. due to hedging/diminishing marginal returns to the new hot thing.)
BTW this recent post made a point that seems important:
IMO, acknowledging and appreciating the effort people put in is the best way to prevent burnout. Implying that "your career path is boring now" is the opposite. Almost everyone in EA is making some level of sacrifice to do good for others; let's thank them for that!
Thank you, whoever's reading this!