The FTX Foundation's Future Fund is a philanthropic fund making grants and investments to ambitious projects in order to improve humanity's long-term prospects.
We have a longlist of project ideas that we’d be excited to help launch.
We’re now announcing a prize for new project ideas to add to this longlist. If you submit an idea, and we like it enough to add to the website, we’ll pay you a prize of $5,000 (or more in exceptional cases). We’ll also attribute the idea to you on the website (unless you prefer to be anonymous).
All submissions must be received in the next week, i.e. by Monday, March 7, 2022.
We are excited about this prize for two main reasons:
- We would love to add great ideas to our list of projects.
- We are excited about experimenting with prizes to jumpstart creative ideas.
To participate, you can either
- Add your proposal as a comment to this post (one proposal per comment, please), or
- Fill in this form
Please write your project idea in the same format as the project ideas on our website. Here’s an example:
Early detection center
Biorisk and Recovery from Catastrophes
By the time we find out about novel pathogens, they’ve already spread far and wide, as we saw with Covid-19. Earlier detection would increase the amount of time we have to respond to biothreats. Moreover, existing systems are almost exclusively focused on known pathogens—we could do a lot better by creating pathogen-agnostic systems that can detect unknown pathogens. We’d like to see a system that collects samples from wastewater or travelers, for example, and then performs a full metagenomic scan for anything that could be dangerous
You can also provide further explanation, if you think the case for including your project idea will not be obvious to us on its face.
Some rules and fine print:
- You may submit refinements of ideas already on our website, but these might receive only a portion of the full prize.
- At our discretion, we will award partial prizes for submissions that are proposed by multiple people, or require additional work for us to make viable.
- At our discretion, we will award larger prizes for submissions that we really like.
- Prizes will be awarded at the sole discretion of the Future Fund.
We’re happy to answer questions, though it might take us a few days to respond due to other programs and content we're launching right now.
We’re excited to see what you come up with!
(Thanks to Owen Cotton-Barratt for helpful discussion and feedback.)
Physical AI Safety
Drawing from work done in the former Soviet Union to improve safety in their bioweapons and nuclear facilities (e.g. free consultations and install of engineering safety measures, at-cost upgrades of infrastructure such as ventilation and storage facilities, etc), developing a standard set of physical/infrastructure technologies to help monitor AI Development labs/hardware and provide physical failsafes in the event of unexpectedly rapid takeoff (e.g., a FOOM scenario). Although unlikely, some standard guidelines modifying current best-practices for data center safety (e.g., restrictions on devices, physical air gaps between critical systems and the broader world, extensive onsite power monitoring and backup generators) could be critical to prevent anxiety over both physical and digital security from encouraging risk-taking behaviors by AI Development programs (Such as rushing builds, hiding locations, inappropriate dual-use or shared facilities which decrease control over data flows). In particular, physical low-tech hardware such as low-voltage switches have already provided demonstrable benefit in safeguarding high-tech, high-risk activity (See the Goldsboro B52 Crash, where a single low-voltage switch prevented disaster after numerous higher-tech controls failed in the chaotic environment of a bomber breaking apart in mid-air). These technologies have low dual-use risk, low-cost of installation and development, but as physical hardware are potentially easily overlooked either due to lack of interest, perceived risk of adding friction/failure points to the main mission, and belief in high-tech safeguards being more 'reliable' or 'sophisticated'.
Avenues for progress could be establishing an international standard for physical security in AI facilities, sponsoring or subsidizing installation or retrofit into new/existing facilities, and advocacy within AI organizations for attention to this or similar problems.